2011 Favorites

January 23, 2012

It’s a little late in January to be writing this post I suppose but I’m going to do it anyway. I thought I’d go through the pictures I shot this year and post some of my favorites.

I had forgot that some of the pictures were even from 2011…for example this cheerleading event. I learned a lot about cheerleading this day…both good and bad.

I shot Erin’s senior pictures at the beginning of 2011 and now she’s all graduated and living in North Carolina! We were so lucky and got a beautiful day for her pictures.

And then I shot Jess + Ted’s engagement pictures! I could have posted sooooo many more of their pictures! It definitely helped that they’re great friends of mine so it was a little bit easier for them to warm up for the camera.

Aren’t they just adorable? And now they’re married and living in Philadelphia!

I had a blast working with Chedel! I really enjoyed spending time with both her and her mom.

The Baily family are actually my cousins and I loved shooting for them on the Four Winds beach. I am so ready to get back to that weather! Especially after shoveling 5” of snow off my car yesterday.

And Alex’s pictures were so much fun! She was up for anything and we had such a great time trying so many shots! She even sat in a bunch of weeds for me.

I took the Hassell’s family pictures the same day as Alex’s…it was kind of a busy day. But this family was great especially since there were 7 people in the frame.

I love the actions shots

And we did Victoria’s senior pictures that day, like I said it was a busy day. She was so photogenic and I had so many great pictures of her! I mean look at that beautiful smile!

Finally, the last pictures of the year were Roy’s senior pictures. I was a little nervous about posing a guy after taking so many pictures of girls, but he was great and so understanding!

So those were the pictures from 2011! There were definitely some great pictures from 2011 but I’m looking forward to seeing what 2012 holds! I mean I’m going to have a whole new city to take pictures of starting in June!

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