
January 14, 2012

Bear with me, I have random things to express. I have all of these blog ideas I’d like to do and some that I have started…but tonight I’ve decided to just share some things I’ve come across.

I know this song has been out for awhile but I just can’t stop listening to this song. I will literally keep searching my radio stations in my car to find this song…maybe I just need to suck it up and buy it.

I got some pretty sweet presents for Christmas, so I’ll share two I’m most obsessed with right now.

My parents got me the Adobe Creative Suite 5…that’s right, I finally upgraded from 3 to 5! I’ve always shot in RAW but when I got my new D7000 CS3 didn’t read it’s RAW files. I was just going to update my Photoshop but for a little bit more I could get update all of my programs. Plus Benny cleaned up my little mac and gave it some more memory. So everything is running must faster and so far Bridge, Photoshop and Illustrator are AH-mazing! Now I just need to open up the other programs.

Isn’t it amazing….besides the fact that it’s “Cannon”. Jess got me this for Christmas and I have to admit that I’ve been eying this up for awhile. Thank goodness I resisted the urge to buy it! Plus the bonus is my mom got an electric tea kettle for Christmas, guess who’s been drinking tea not stop – this girl!

Happy weekend everybody! It’s snowing here and if it sticks around long enough for tomorrow afternoon I have an awesome project for Benny and I! I’ll make sure to share it if it works out!

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