Friday’s Finds

June 5, 2015

Fitness, Friday's Finds, Healthy, Eating, Smoothie, Matcha, Jessica Smith, Workout, Video

I am by no means a health nut or even that healthy, but I have been trying lately to just make little changes rather than one huge overhaul. I found more than anything, I need a routine. So today I have three things that I’ve added to my daily routine that have been making me feel healthy, but more importantly have actually made my body feel better.

  1. Matcha – My best friend, Chelsy, suggested I try matcha. It’s just ground up green tea leaves so you get the benefits of 10 cups of green tea in one teaspoon of powder. The benefits include fighting cancer, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, boosting metabolism and burning calories, boosting mood and enhancing concentration, plus lots of vitamins! I just put a teaspoon in my smoothie, but you can also make it into tea or put it into just about anything you eat. I ordered it on Amazon, but you can also have Starbucks put it in your drink.
  2. Smoothies – Oh how I love these! I have one just about everyday for lunch. The base of my smoothies is always yogurt, matcha, a banana and a splash of milk (I use Lactaid milk since I’m lactose intolerant). Then I put in a mix of frozen fruit (I either by frozen or freeze fresh fruit since it makes the smoothie colder). I really love to use strawberries, blueberries (since I don’t normally like them, but I know their good for me), mango, peaches, nectarines, blackberries, raspberries and even watermelon. Plus if I have a little left that doesn’t fit in my glass, I freeze it in my popsicle molds and eat it at night whenever I’m craving ice cream.
  3. Jessica Smith – I really struggle with working out. I don’t like going to the gym, I really don’t like running and I always feel like I’m wasting time since I don’t feel like my body really got a good workout. I used to think it was kind of silly that my mom did workout videos at home, but about 2 months ago I decided that I really needed to start moving since I was sitting at a desk in my apartment all day. I found Jessica Smith’s online exercise videos through Google and really loved that she had 15 minute workout videos. In fact she has a #fitin15 series of videos that kind of start you out slower as you adjust to working out again and also lets you experiment with different types of workouts. Since I have problems with my neck and shoulders, I also loved that she had modifications to all her moves so that if something was too intense or really hurt. Once I did the 15 #fitin15 videos I felt confident enough to try some of her other videos that were even a little longer.  The best part is you aren’t working out for like 2 hours, it’s short and sweet and you really feel like you worked your body at the end of her videos.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography

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