Friday’s Finds: Animal Photo Bombing

November 30, 2012

I have a confession to make. Besides photography & wedding blogs a lot of the blogs I follow are animal blogs. For example, unlikely animal friendships, animal shaming and one of my personal favorites animal photo bombing. It makes me laugh…more than reading the comics does. So for today’s Friday’s Finds edition I’m going to share some of my favorite animal photo bombing moments! I wish Sophie had some photo bombing moments but unfortunately she just runs the other way when she sees a camera or making really stupid faces. Maybe when I get a puppy of my own one day (a Tea Cup Yorkie named Lola of course) she’ll like posing for the camera and photo bombing.

One of my personal favorites :0) This girl thinks she’s looking really good but the German Shepard has another thought about the picture.

I try to tell Ben that cats are evil…

Another reason to hate pigeons…they ruin pictures. I swear those things know I hate them and they purposely come after me! They’re evil looking with their red beady eyes and are rats with wings!

I love how happy the seal is that he photo bombed the corner of the picture…he clearly knows what he’s up to!

Ok this is a scary photo bomb! I’d like to even question the integrity of this picture. However, if this is real it’s really really really freaky and I’m scared for that man and all those little kids.

And last but not least for the animal photo bombing we have my father. He learned to photo bomb at my wedding. He was so amazed that the photographer caught the picture that he actually had me print one out for him. As you can tell it is starting to become a trend for him…

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend and go photo bomb someone’s picture this weekend! (It’s even more fun if it’s a complete stranger’s picture! Just don’t imitate the dog in the first picture!)

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