June’s Goals

June 2, 2015


May was a good month! My sister and her fiance bought their first house, Ben and I had our 3rd wedding anniversary, we did the whirlwind tour of New England and I ate way too much popcorn thanks to our new popcorn maker. Now I’m home in Pittsburgh getting ready for my sister’s bridal shower with Sophie, my family’s dog, by my side.

These months are flying by, or maybe I’m just more aware of the month’s since I write these posts, but for June:

  • Blogging: Blogging is planned all the way into the middle of July and I have lots of pretty posts coming up!
  • Image Organization: I’m still trying to catch up from the last time I was in Pittsburgh, but the business side is good.
  • Staying Active: I’m doing good at this! I’ve been working out everyday in our apartment and Ben and I even tried some tennis. It’s been almost 10 years since I played last and I did not last long.
  • Business Goals: Wedding season has started and June is going to be even busier! My goal for June is to be prepared for the weddings and stay on top of editing all of the images since we’re going on vacation at the beginning of July.
  • Fun Goals: I’m excited for Maddy’s shower and to give her gifts! I really like giving people gifts 🙂 I have one craft project planned – painting a pallet sign that Ben made for me. Other than that I don’t have too much planned since I’ll be shooting most weekends.

I’m sure July will be here before I know it, but for now happy June!

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography

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