Yesterday marked 6 months that I married the love of my life! I am so thankful to have Ben in my life. Seriously I have become so pathetic in the past 6 months :0) I rely on him so much…which I guess is what is supposed to happen. But sometimes I feel bad for the boy and what he got himself into! But I love him until death do us part….and then some!
Yesterday I messed up my tire on the curb so I had a flat when I parked it. Ben had to travel home early this morning from Albany because he was out of town and got my tire fixed before he went to work because I had a doctor’s appointment. I said I could take care of the tire but I’ve had a really bad cold and Benny wanted to come home and take care of me. Clearly he’s the best husband and I am so lucky to have him…I think God knew I couldn’t survive very long on my own.
And I didn’t post this yesterday because I didn’t want Ben to see this little surprise I had for him on the blog since he was out of town! :0) I made him half a cake for half a year!
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