So the next big change in my life which has now happened two weeks ago (I’ve just been so busy and forgot to write!) was I purchased a brand spakin’ new camera!!
So welcome to the family my little Nikon D7000. :0) I call it baby and I have been waiting over 4 years for a new camera that I could call my own. Unfortunately I was forced to buy a new camera when my D70 decided to literally die, but I have forgiven it since baby is so much better!
I also got a new lens to go with baby, he’s a little 35mm named Petey and I am totally in love with him! Ben could tell you about all of the technical details, I just know it shoots great and gives me the shots I want. The only problem is it’s not a zoom lens so I’m trying to break the habit of zooming in with the focus. Isn’t he handsome?
Ok who wants their picture taken? I’ve got an awesome new camera and I am ready to take lots and lots of pictures!!!!!
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