Croton Gorge Park, New York

April 17, 2015


I am so  thankful for the beautiful weather that we’ve been finally having! I don’t do so well in the winter months. I tend to hole up in the apartment and not want to leave. Poor Benjamin spent all winter trying to get me out of the apartment by enticing me with teaching him how to use the camera and scouting new locations. It didn’t work so well when it was snowing outside, but this past weekend was so beautiful that we went out to Croton Gorge Park.

You can drive to the top of the dam and walk across the bridge or go to the park at the bottom. I loved how smooth and peaceful the New Croton Reservoir looks right before the water goes over the edge.


Look at Benjamin, it looks like he knows what he’s doing! He went out onto the rocks to get the shot to the right. I was wearing a maxi skirt and flip flops…not great for walking on slippery rocks with a camera.




Ben and I went through the use of ISO, shutter speed and aperture for bright light, shade and portraits. I usually don’t like being on the other side of the camera, but for Ben I’ll allow it 🙂

PS – How sweet is that vine on the right? It was two little vines climbing up one big vine.


Happy weekending!

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography

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