I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We spent it with Ben’s side of the family in Pennsylvania. It’s so fun to have nieces and nephews in general, but especially during holidays because they’re so excited.
We went to church in the morning, but in the afternoon everyone was together at Ben’s parent’s. There were lot’s of activities to keep the kidos busy 🙂 We started with an egg hunt!
The girls were quick!
It was windy!! Next year Ezra will be able to join the other kids in the egg hunt, but this year he just watched from inside.
After the egg hunt all the eggs were emptied. Katelyn color sorted all of her candy.
How cute is Will’s bow tie! He wore it to church (you’ll see in pictures later), but he didn’t want to take it off so he wore it with his tshirt 🙂
Ezra got a hold of a camo egg! (Look at those cheeks!)
We also died Easter eggs… I of course had to join in with the pink dye.
Too many decisions for Will.
I made a rainbow egg which inspired Anna.
Covering your hand in stickers is a good use of time while your egg is dying.
A bunny may have stopped by 😉
Will made sure to pull out all of the grass to get every last piece of candy.
Ezra’s first Easter!
All my nieces and nephews… I’m getting this one printed out for the fridge!
My sister-in-law, Elizabeth, made the girls’ dresses and Will’s bow tie. I’m impressed!
And finally, the whole family!
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