Happy Thanksgiving…a day late

November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I know it’s a day late but I had a lack of internet connection yesterday. I am so blessed and so thankful to have such a wonderful life! I am so thankful that I finally married my best friend this year and get to be Mrs. Adams!

I am thankful for my wonderful family. I love how close we are and am so thankful to have a happily married father and mother with two sisters that are my best friends.

I am also thankful for the new family that I got this year! They are a great tight-knitt family that I fit perfectly into! Plus I got two awesome nieces and and one awesome nephew! I love being a aunt! Aren’t they cute?

Besides having an awesome family I have awesome friends! I am so thankful that the transition to New York City has been pretty easy and that God has put some really great people in my life. It’s been a pretty great year!

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