Colsen’s Head Shots

January 4, 2013

Happy New Year from Cassady K Photography!

The week before Christmas I went with Ben to Philadelphia. He went for business and I tagged along to visit friends and family. I went to visit my Aunt, Uncle and two cousins for two days and had such a wonderful time…even though I had an awful cold! (Like so awful I thought they were going to turn me away!)

So while I was visiting my family it came up that my cousin Colsen kind of signed up for a talent agent at school as a joke. Well it may be turning into something and he needed some head shots done. Now Colsen is the cousin that hates being in front of a camera and when you do get him in front of a camera he sticks out his tongue and makes silly faces. So I jumped at the opportunity to capture some photographs of him! We started with the “model” look cause I knew he’d be more comfortable with that and I was right, I got this shot on the second click!

The smiling shot took longer, which most people are the other way around. So Colsen, we’re going to have to work on that because senior pictures are coming up! But I don’t know what you’re nervous about, these picture turned out great!

I took some full body shots too. But I had to include this last shot because the story behind it is great! While we were taking these pictures their dog Sabby was outside and she didn’t like that we were ignoring her. So she found this giant stick and was trying to get our attention well when that didn’t work she came up and hit Colsen with the stick! No worries he wasn’t hurt, but I loved his reaction! Silly puppy and she’s not that big!

So what do you think? Not too bad for a boy who doesn’t like to be in front of a camera! Colsen you no longer have an excuse! I’ve seen what you can do!

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