I knew when I left the Seelye family that I had got some great shots but as I was going through all the images for this post I had such a hard time narrowing down my favorites! So even though I don’t particularly enjoy this fall weather (it’s just the prelude to winter), I hope you enjoy this fall family portrait session because Rowan is such a cutie!
It was so interesting watching Rowan investigating everything and being nosy 🙂 He would smile and laugh and then get all of a sudden stop and stare off into space when he got distracted. He loved the little pumpkins that his mom, Lesley, brought but wasn’t sure if he was supposed to play with them or eat them!
Aren’t they just the cutest family? Lesley is Ben’s cousin so it was great being able to spend some time with family!
I just really loved watching the three of them together. Jeff and Lesley are head over heels for Rowan and also clearly in love with each other!
Rowan loves his daddy! We could always get him to smile for the camera if Jeff was holding him.
This is one of my favorites!!
I love how much they snuggle Rowan!
I’m just in love with the next two! Lesley, you are beautiful and your son is so adorable!
I wish someone would just flip me upside down and smile in my face when I got a little cranky!
Ben made Rowan a pile of leaves and at first he just looked and evaluated everything but then he found one he liked…. and apparently it tasted good?
I would love to know what was going on in Rowan’s little mind in the next two pictures!
Toms this small deserve a picture! Also I take my previous statement back, I’d rather be flown around like an airplane then hung upside down when I get a little cranky 🙂
Oh my gosh look at those little tootsies!
Thank you Jeff, Lesley and Rowan for not only allowing me to come and spend some time with your sweet family but also for choosing me to capture this point in your family’s life. You have such an adorable little family unit!
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