5 on Friday: Real Life

June 22, 2018

Lately I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, that everything I do can’t compare to someone else. I am very fortunate to have a husband that consistently reminds me that I am enough and that he loves me just the way I am. But that nagging feeling is still there and social media and the comparison game does not help. I feel like we need to begin to share life beyond culled posts on Instagram. I’m not ready to share pictures of myself with out makeup just yet or the mess in my house, but I can share a little more about my real life.

  1. That girl in the picture, that’s not normally me. Ever since I started working from home I’ve created 3 goals for myself each day: make the bed, take a shower and change out of my pajamas. That means that most days I wear gym shorts and a Penn State t-shirt. I let my hair air-dry and I don’t put on makeup. But I get those three goals done!
  2. I love to sleep, like maybe too much. I thought as I got older that would change and was kind of excited to have more hours in my day. But honestly my body needs at least 1o hours to function properly. And sleeping more than 10 hours is no problem!
  3. Whenever all our bowls are dirty I use the glass Rubbermaid containers so I can still put them in the dishwasher. Can you say LAZY?
  4. I try so hard for things to be even with Ben and myself. I don’t know why, but I want our tasks around the house to be equal, the amount of money we contribute to be equal, etc. I drive myself crazy trying to feel like I’m always contributing and Ben can care less.
  5. I can go days without leaving our house. (I purposely try and keep Mondays as my stay at home day since weekends are usually busy.) During the week I spend most of my time in the office working so in the evening the rest of our house is a whole new space… or maybe I’m just a homebody? haha

I hope this has given you a little more insight into my real life. I think I might do posts like this more often and who knows, maybe one day I’ll be ready to share a picture of myself without make up in my Penn State t-shirt. Haha!

Thank you to Lauren Kearns for this shot!

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography


  1. Grammy says:

    Here’s my opinion of you:
    1. You love God
    2. You love Ben
    3. You love your family and friends
    4. All that you do reflects that love

  2. Aunt Beth says:

    My dear niece you and I have a lot in common. Anything less then 8 -9 hours of sleep has my body at its worst. Air drying your hair is much healthier for it. Don’t stress over things being equal with Ben. Marriage is a partnership. I have had to come to terms with my physical limitations that causes the split between responsibilities not to be even most days. Your love and respect for each other is the glue; along with Christ. I love you to pieces for who you are. I am proud to call you my niece.

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