They’ve been through a lot since they first started dating during their senior year of high school. When you endure so much at the beginning of a relationship it can either tear two people apart or make their bond even stronger. For Alaine + Benjamin it made their relationship even stronger.
After four years of a long distance relationship while at separate colleges and making the big move from St. Louis to New Haven, Alaine + Ben decided to make it official at New Haven’s City Hall.
Alaine has two younger sisters, like I do, watching them interacting really made me miss my sisters. No one can understand the bond of sisters unless you have one 🙂
Their families came from all over the country to support them. While we waited for the Justice of the Peace they all enjoyed their time together.
Their families stood around them as they committed their lives to each other.
It’s official, they’re married!
We headed outside for a couple of portraits.
Alaine, you’re beautiful!
Ben was excited about his Wolverine boots that were a gift from Alaine.
Congratulations Alaine + Ben!
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