Friday’s Finds

September 21, 2012

Oh it’s Friday! That means tomorrow is Saturday and that equals weekend! I know I don’t have a job and so the weekend shouldn’t really mean much…but I still really like it! Plus I do actually do some work during the week with my photography! The weekend means my husband is home all day Saturday and Sunday and we get to watch football and hang out with friends! So here’s another installment of Friday’s Finds to get the weekend started!

This is so true! And I’m going in withdrawal not having one. I would totally take a puppy over diamond jewelery!

I always wondered why the wedding ring went on first….although this still bothers me. I feel like I was given the engagement ring before the wedding ring so my engagement ring should go on first. Just saying.

This made me feel incredibly stupid and I love math problems (yeah I know I’m a nerd). I’ll give the answer on Monday! Have a wonderful weekend!

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