This weekend my husband is leaving me :0( to go backpacking. Thank goodness he has friends to go camping with because my type of camping is making s’mores over the fire pit on the patio and then going to sleep on a nice comfy bed INSIDE. While Ben is gone my sister & mother-in-law are coming up to visit! (I still can’t believe I have in-laws!) We’re going into the city to explore…but I’m a little nervous without Ben there to navigate!
Anyway, here are some images I found to make your Friday a little brighter and get this weekend started!
Ben and I were walking and I had to do a double take on this one. That’s a fake dead squirrel on the front of the car…I think I’d prefer it to be a pigeon :0)
Love this billboard! We saw this a couple of weekends ago when we were in the city. PS I had told everyone in the car earlier in the day to pray we found a parking spot :0)
I’ve been really missing Sophie lately. I desperately need to get a job so we can get a puppy….and an iPhone (Ben says we can’t get a puppy and I can’t get an iPhone till I get a job). I saw this picture on Pinterest and it about killed me….I would so be in my glory :0)
Happy Weekend-ing!
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