5 on Friday

November 24, 2017

Instead of answering five questions for today’s 5 on Friday, I thought I’d give 5 things that I’ve been thinking about recently.

1. Does anyone else feel like they’re always playing catchup, they’re stressed and that they just can’t get ahead? Is it just me? Recently I’ve been trying to tell myself that I am enough whenever I feel completely overwhelmed. I over commit/ want everything to be perfect/want to be the reliable one, but it always ends up with me stressed out and sometimes even crying to Ben. So I’m going through a season where I’m just trying to enjoy the moment and realize that everything will get done and that it’s ok to say no and admit that I can’t do everything.  If you could use a little reminder that you’re enough, feel free to download the image from above for your computer or phone background:

Computer Background Download

Phone Background Download

2. We celebrate Thanksgiving with Ben’s family, but on Friday we’ve started celebrating Christmas with my extended family. My mom’s side of the family get together at my Aunt’s house for the weekend in eastern Pennsylvania (it’s an hour from Ben’s family so it’s pretty convenient since my immediate family lives in Pittsburgh). And while we miss Thanksgiving with my family, it’s a lot of fun celebrating Christmas early with my family. We call the whole weekend Thanksmas!

3. I am so super excited to win The Knot’s Best of 2018 for the first time this year! I already announced it on social media, but I am just so thankful to my couples and their families who left reviews on my Knot page so I could even qualify. I’ve just had a big smile on my face 🙂

4. I’m decorating the apartment for Christmas on Sunday! I haven’t really been in too much of a Christmas mood recently, well except for when we went to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. Then I was just in awe of everything that was Christmas and Disney. I’m thinking that once I get decorating and put on some Christmas music I’ll get excited.

5. We’re in the search for a puppy! We’ve actually been for awhile, but I have a specific dog that I’m looking for and it’s been really hard to find. We’re looking for a female Yorkie and Poodle mix or a Yorkipoo that has the brown and black coloring of a Yorkie. Since it’s a mixed breed it’s harder to find a breeder. We had one promising breed, but I didn’t realize they were bread to be miniature and I’m kind of nervous that I’d accidentally hurt a teacup. It seems like all of the breeders we’ve found could possibly be puppy mills and we obviously don’t want to support that. So if anyone knows of a Yorkipoo breader, we’re totally up for suggestions.

Happy long weekend!

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography

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