This growing family lifestyle portrait session is extra special to me because it’s of my sister’s growing family! They welcomed their son into their family earlier this year and he has been nothing but the sweetest edition to our family. We are all in love with him and his older sister has transitioned into her role as “big sister” easily.
A couple of things to note about this session: we didn’t get to photograph it until he was around a month old so he was awake the whole time. But he has the sweetest temperament so it was easy to take his pictures. Also since this sesion was for my family I obviously took more time, outfits, locations, and pictures then I do in a normal 1 hour session. This was at least a 2 hour session.
I love getting closeups of all the cute little details! You’ll see a lot of these 🙂
My sister is so good at decorating and she created the sweetest nursery with subtle hints of classic Winnie the Pooh.
I recreated some of the pictures that I took at his big sister’s newborn session. (Although I’m now realizing I never posted her newborn session and I have no idea why. Her session was one of my favorites. Maybe I still need to post it on the blog?)
Kristina was meant for the Momma role. ❤️
Their dog walks right into my pictures, sits down and poses! I’ve been taking his picture since he was a puppy so he assumes the camera is for him. 🙂
Love the black and white with Phil and that yawn!
Enter big sister into the growing family Pittsburgh lifestyle pictures!
This is one of my favorite pictures, especially with the one curl hanging down her back. She gave up her crib to her little brother…
But she got the best big girl bed! I’m even a little jealous of it! I got a canopy bed around her age and had it all the way up until I got married. I’m hoping one day to get another canopy bed frame for our bed.
Needless to say, we had to take a moment for a couple pictures in her upgraded big girl bed.
Love this girl! She’s just the cutest!
Love this family picture! Their bed is one of my favorite places to take pictures in their house. I don’t mean that in a bad way lol. It’s just all neutrals and whites, and a nice big king bed, so it’s the perfect background for pictures.
All three babies.
My favorite picture out of all the pictures! He even looks like he’s smiling!
Aunt Cassady loves taking pictures of little kids jumping on the bed!
Kristina purposely wanted to recreate the picture on the right from their first newborn session with a new updated family picture. I think we did it pretty perfectly!
Ben and I are so thankful for another nephew! We can’t wait to see what he’s like as a toddler and older because he just has such a sweet, easy-going personality now. We’ll be taking lots of visits to Pittsburgh to see him!
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Love them! Especially the recreations of the Rosie photos!