Pittsburgh Family Session | Elle + Cece

September 27, 2018

Oh these two red-headed sisters totally have my heart! They’re my best friend, Chelsy’s, little girls and aren’t they just adorable?

Oh but don’t let them fool you, they are are adorable, but they are full of personality, spice and lots of energy!

Both Elle and Cece have birthday’s in the summer so I love to try and take birthday portraits whenever I’m back home during the summer. This year’s Pittsburgh family session worked out perfectly while I was home for my sister’s wedding. My parents held a picnic at their house the day after my sister’s wedding. Chelsy and her family were already planning on coming to the picnic and my parents’ house has a beautiful yard for pictures!

Cece turned 2 this year and man does she have a lot of spunk! She can be super cuddly if she likes you and for some reason she really likes Ben. She’ll always let Ben hold her.

Elle turned 4 this year in August. She is a sweet heart and has a very sensitive soul, but also is incredibly silly and goofy.

And just in case you thought they were all perfect for their pictures and adorable the whole time. Don’t worry, there was a whole of this and a whole lot of bribing. haha

Westchester, New York, Wedding, Photographer, NYC, New York City, Cassady K Photography

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