Ben moved to NewYork for a job after college and I put him in charge of finding a church for when I moved to New York after we got married. He met Dave who was starting a church plant called Awaken. I can still remember the night we went over to Dave and Steph’s house for dinner shortly after I had moved to New York. I took the train by myself for the first time to get to their house and somebody yelled at me (rather than quietly letting me know) because I had unknowingly sat in the quiet car and had a quick one minute phone call. So when Ben picked me up from the train I was crying and had to get myself together before we walked into Dave and Steph’s house. I’m pretty sure I still had a red face and bloodshot eyes, but they welcomed me like we were lifelong friends. Steph is from Pittsburgh so we quickly connected, we were both recently married and the church that Dave was starting was exactly what I had been praying Ben and I would be a part of. We all quickly became friends that surpassed just having dinner together, but doing life together over the past five years. So when Reece came along six months ago, it felt like I finally had a nephew that lived nearby.
I actually did a little maternity session with Steph right before Reece was born, so it’s hard to believe he’s already a little man! We did a couple family pictures in their back yard while the weather was still really beautiful to capture this stage of their life together.
Reece has such a big smile! I love when he laughs!
Such a sweet little family 🙂
Steph was a ballerina and Reece loves it when she dances with him.
Reece isn’t the best at sitting up just yet, but we put a lot of blankets and pillows around him to prop him up in the box. 🙂
All that looking cute tired Reece out!
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