I feel bad for Katelyn, she kind of gets the raw end of the deal. All my other nieces and nephews have birthdays in the spring, summer and fall when the weather is nice. But Katelyn’s is the only one with her birthday in the winter and she’s the one that likes to have her […]
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I feel bad for Katelyn, she kind of gets the raw end of the deal. All my other nieces and nephews have birthdays in the spring, summer and fall when the weather is nice. But Katelyn’s is the only one with her birthday in the winter and she’s the one that likes to have her […]
It was a couple of years ago that I started this tradition with my sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Ben and I always try to make it to our nieces & nephew’s birthday parties, but as I became more confident in taking portraits I started taking birthday pictures of the kiddos for Liz.
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It was a couple of years ago that I started this tradition with my sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Ben and I always try to make it to our nieces & nephew’s birthday parties, but as I became more confident in taking portraits I started taking birthday pictures of the kiddos for Liz.
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