December 22, 2017

Cinderella's Castle Lit up with Christmas Lights forMickey's Very Merry Christmas Party

For my 30th birthday all I really wanted as a gift was to go to Disney World. Which I guess actually ended up being a really big gift from Ben. We were initially going to go in July around my birthday when we were already in Florida, but it didn’t really work out with my […]

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For my 30th birthday all I really wanted as a gift was to go to Disney World. Which I guess actually ended up being a really big gift from Ben. We were initially going to go in July around my birthday when we were already in Florida, but it didn’t really work out with my […]

July 22, 2014

Before we went on my family’s annual Florida trip Ben and I spent some time at Disney! I should prep you now, I love Disney!! And I also love Cinderella!

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Before we went on my family’s annual Florida trip Ben and I spent some time at Disney! I should prep you now, I love Disney!! And I also love Cinderella!

July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July everyone! We’re actually in Orlando, Florida right now 🙂 We were supposed to go to Islands of Adventure yesterday (I wanted to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter) but our plane was delayed the night before and we didn’t get to out hotel until 2am. So getting up early to […]

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Happy 4th of July everyone! We’re actually in Orlando, Florida right now 🙂 We were supposed to go to Islands of Adventure yesterday (I wanted to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter) but our plane was delayed the night before and we didn’t get to out hotel until 2am. So getting up early to […]

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