August 11, 2017

Baby Girl sitting on a blanket outside for One Year Pictures in Landsdale, PA

I love this season of life I’m in where my family and friends are having babies! Hailey is Ben’s brother’s, Matt, daughter. AKA our niece 🙂 She is seriously one of the happiest babies and we have loved watching her grow over the past year. The only complaint I have is that we don’t live […]

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I love this season of life I’m in where my family and friends are having babies! Hailey is Ben’s brother’s, Matt, daughter. AKA our niece 🙂 She is seriously one of the happiest babies and we have loved watching her grow over the past year. The only complaint I have is that we don’t live […]

July 26, 2017

Ben and I met Janelle a couple of years ago when she started attending our church. Before we knew it she started mentioning this boy that her hairdresser from back home in Lancaster set her up with. Then this boy started visiting Janelle on the weekends and that’s how we got to know Tyler : […]

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Ben and I met Janelle a couple of years ago when she started attending our church. Before we knew it she started mentioning this boy that her hairdresser from back home in Lancaster set her up with. Then this boy started visiting Janelle on the weekends and that’s how we got to know Tyler : […]

April 14, 2017

Couple kissing a duck during a Gold Winter Wedding Inspiration Styled Shoot in the Poconos, Pennsylvania for Ignite a free photography workshop

Part of Spark’s Ignite workshop included a styled shoot organized by Mekina Saylor at Jessica Oh‘s farm house in the Poconos. Between the two days of workshops we had four couples that volunteered to be models for for the attendees. We even had Effie, Jess’s pet duck, make a special appearance as a model on […]

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Part of Spark’s Ignite workshop included a styled shoot organized by Mekina Saylor at Jessica Oh‘s farm house in the Poconos. Between the two days of workshops we had four couples that volunteered to be models for for the attendees. We even had Effie, Jess’s pet duck, make a special appearance as a model on […]

April 11, 2017

These are my girls from Spark: Cinnamon, Mekina, Cassi, Amy, Jess and Debbie (we’re just missing Lisa.) They are some of the most talented & creative photographers, hardest working girl bosses, and sweetest & loving friends a girl could ask for. They have seriously poured so much into my life and my business.

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These are my girls from Spark: Cinnamon, Mekina, Cassi, Amy, Jess and Debbie (we’re just missing Lisa.) They are some of the most talented & creative photographers, hardest working girl bosses, and sweetest & loving friends a girl could ask for. They have seriously poured so much into my life and my business.

March 28, 2017

Souderton, Pennsylvania Family Photography, PA, 8 Year Old, Birthday, Portraits, Pictures, Girl, Female, Unicorn, Red Headband, Outdoors, February, Cassady K Photography, Cassady K Kids

It was a couple of years ago that I started this tradition with my sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Ben and I always try to make it to our nieces & nephew’s birthday parties, but as I became more confident in taking portraits I started taking birthday pictures of the kiddos for Liz.

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It was a couple of years ago that I started this tradition with my sister-in-law, Elizabeth. Ben and I always try to make it to our nieces & nephew’s birthday parties, but as I became more confident in taking portraits I started taking birthday pictures of the kiddos for Liz.

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