This was both my Uncle Keith and my now Aunt Gwenn’s second marriages so they had a small wedding on Lake Anna, VA. It was just their parents, children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces & nephews, grand-niece & grand-nephew, and a couple close friends. Maybe that’s not so small 🙂
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This was both my Uncle Keith and my now Aunt Gwenn’s second marriages so they had a small wedding on Lake Anna, VA. It was just their parents, children, grandchildren, siblings, nieces & nephews, grand-niece & grand-nephew, and a couple close friends. Maybe that’s not so small 🙂
…just in case you didn’t know. Now let me explain. Benjamin always comes up with the best gifts for me and I really stink at giving gifts to him. (He just buys whatever he wants!) Well this year for my birthday he gave me the best gift yet (and there have been some good ones), […]
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…just in case you didn’t know. Now let me explain. Benjamin always comes up with the best gifts for me and I really stink at giving gifts to him. (He just buys whatever he wants!) Well this year for my birthday he gave me the best gift yet (and there have been some good ones), […]
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