Try it Tuesday: Snow Painting

January 24, 2012

This weekend I painted the snow! Yes I know I’m 24 but I act like I’m 10. All you need is:

  • Some cardboard so you can cut out a stencil or stencils
  • Spray bottles (I used little travel size hair spray bottles, but I found I needed to refill them a lot so I would suggest larger spray bottles)
  • Food coloring & water

Once I cut the stencils all I did was lay it down on the snow and spray it with the food dye/water mix until I got the shade I wanted.

Then carefully lift the cardboard and voila!

I was just going to do one stencil, but I got a little carried away….as usual.

So that’s my simple solution to ugly snow! And whenever it melts and then snows again you get a brand new canvas! This would be fun to build a snowman and paint it, especially with kids and not 24 year old’s. :0)

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