After Disney World, Ben and I drove down to Long Boat Key to meet up with my family for our big family vacation. And when I say big, I mean big… we have a family reunion every year and this year we had around 75 people. When we first got there we found out that […]
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After Disney World, Ben and I drove down to Long Boat Key to meet up with my family for our big family vacation. And when I say big, I mean big… we have a family reunion every year and this year we had around 75 people. When we first got there we found out that […]
So this session just kind of happened while I was in Florida last week. These last minute, unplanned, styled sessions don’t always turn out the best… but I was pleasantly surprised with this one!
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So this session just kind of happened while I was in Florida last week. These last minute, unplanned, styled sessions don’t always turn out the best… but I was pleasantly surprised with this one!
Ben and I were one of the last ones to arrive to the family vacation in Long Boat Key, Florida last Saturday. We normally go around to all the units of the time share and say hello to the extended family but my parents kind of shuffled us up to their unit. When we opened […]
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Ben and I were one of the last ones to arrive to the family vacation in Long Boat Key, Florida last Saturday. We normally go around to all the units of the time share and say hello to the extended family but my parents kind of shuffled us up to their unit. When we opened […]
While I was away for the weekend shooting Megan & Byron’s wedding I packed my schedule full and also shot my cousin Heather’s senior portraits. While I was shooting the images Heather was really stunning me through the viewfinder! I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t seen her on a regular basis for over […]
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While I was away for the weekend shooting Megan & Byron’s wedding I packed my schedule full and also shot my cousin Heather’s senior portraits. While I was shooting the images Heather was really stunning me through the viewfinder! I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t seen her on a regular basis for over […]
No they’re not from It’s A Wonderful Life…I wonder how many times they’ve heard that! Deanne, my second cousin, contacted me and asked if while we were in Florida I could take family pictures for her. I of course agreed because Ron and her have three of the cutest blonde-haired boys: Drew, Matthew and Derek…and […]
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No they’re not from It’s A Wonderful Life…I wonder how many times they’ve heard that! Deanne, my second cousin, contacted me and asked if while we were in Florida I could take family pictures for her. I of course agreed because Ron and her have three of the cutest blonde-haired boys: Drew, Matthew and Derek…and […]
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